Tuesday, July 08, 2008

So we get up on Saturday morning and Jennifer wants to take pictures of our bed-heads. Everytime time our camera uses the flash, a bright red light lights up which catches Luke's attention, which in turn causes him to open his eyes really wide. Here's Father-Son look alike

When he doesn't see the red light, it's back to normal.

I worked at the station July 4th, so Jenn took Luke up to Denton. Luke got to hang out here with Jenn's Papa(Luke's great grandfather). He's 91 I think and play's the Wii at his assisted living home.
With PawPaw and Juju celebrating the 4th. I was told he loved the wind toy Juju is holding

Visiting with a possible date in the future. Claire Green--Matthew and Jessica's daughter--two months older than Luke. Luke was pretty aggressive. So he's already made a girl cry--I'll have to teach him some tricks with the ladies.

Trying to figure out how a boy's head got in that small box

Luke's bringing back the look of the duck tail.

1 comment:

Steve said...

The new pictures are awesome!! Luke is a real ladies man and is alreay breaking hearts. I know he has my heart wrapped around his finger. Can't wait to see him again. Oh I forgot, I can't wait to see mom and dad too!!

Love PawPaw